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I love to blog!  This blog will be mostly dedicated to the art of writing.  I also have two additional blogs:  More Than Words on Blogspot.com that deals with every topic under the sun and Theuerkauf's Tails on Blogspot.com that pertains to my crazy life as a mother to 7 fur babies.


I hope you enjoy reading my blogs!  I would love to connect with you!

A New Children's Christmas Classic

Tallulah's Nutcracker - Marilyn Singer

"Tallulah's Nutcracker" is a delightful story about a young dancer named Tallulah. She auditions for a role in the classic Nutcracker ballet. Tallulah becomes very excited when she learns that she has been chosen to play a mouse.

She practices every day and is convinced that she is going to be the greatest dancer of all. Letting her ego get the better of her, Tallulah brags to all of the girls in her dance class. She then fantasizes about her fabulous performance and imagines that she will soon be asked to play the lead role of Clara or the mesmerizing Sugar Plum Fairy.

The day of the performance arrives and Tallulah becomes very nervous. Not only are her friends and family in the audience, but, the performance is being broadcast on television! Will Tallulah be able to overcome her fears and be the greatest mouse ever?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I danced for 10 years and was always in our company's production of "The Nutcracker." I could totally relate to Tallulah and the fears and heartbreak that she experienced.

One time, I played the role of a Chinese dancer. Each girl had a gold ribbon that was attached to a wooden handle. While performing our ribbon dance, my ribbon somehow became detached and fell onto the stage. Not breaking character, I continued dancing with just the wooden stick and pretended that the ribbon was still attached.

I was mortified, but, my dance instructor was happy that I had continued dancing. "Tallulah's Nutcracker" has such wonderful lessons to teach and the illustrations are beautiful. I was so touched that my mother gave me this book for Christmas/my birthday to commemorate all of our "Nutcracker Years" together.