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I love to blog!  This blog will be mostly dedicated to the art of writing.  I also have two additional blogs:  More Than Words on Blogspot.com that deals with every topic under the sun and Theuerkauf's Tails on Blogspot.com that pertains to my crazy life as a mother to 7 fur babies.


I hope you enjoy reading my blogs!  I would love to connect with you!

One Hot Story!

Too Hot To Hug! - Steve Smallman, Cee Biscoe

Prepare to meet the most adorable dragon ever in Too Hot to Hug! by Steve Smallman.  A little boy named Ryan is searching for firewood to keep is family warm during the winter.  He soon finds a cave a discovers a big, golden egg.

When Ryan reaches for the egg, he is delighted to find that the egg is warm.  He happily takes the egg home and presents it to his parents.  Suddenly, the egg cracks open and out pops a baby fire dragon!

Ryan's dad is less than pleased and announces that the dragon must leave.  The dragon begins to cry and Ryan comforts him with a hug.  Little did they know that the baby dragon would provide warmth.

Ryan's parents agree to let the dragon, now named Crumpet, stay at their house.  Crumpet proves to be a most helpful member of the family.  He dries laundry, warms beds and even makes toast.

Crumpet and Ryan are inseparable.  But as Crumpet grows, he also gets hotter.  What happens when Crumpet becomes too hot to hug?

This book is truly one of my new favorites.  I found myself laughing and crying through every step of Crumpet's journey.  Smallman is an outstanding author, telling the story with true heart and soul.  I was instantly hooked by page three.

Cee Biscoe's illustrations are truly magical.  I absolutely love Crumpet from baby to adult!  I wish that I could reach into the book and give Crumpet a hug.  Biscoe creates characters that are both charming and memorable.

I especially love how this story encompasses the trials and tribulations that all pet owners go through.  I am reminded of my own experiences with my furry babies from everything from potty issues to night howling.  No matter what happens, love wins out in the end and I am able to forgive my furry one's transgressions.

This story is a must have for readers of all ages.  Children will especially delight in the adorable illustrations.