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I love to blog!  This blog will be mostly dedicated to the art of writing.  I also have two additional blogs:  More Than Words on Blogspot.com that deals with every topic under the sun and Theuerkauf's Tails on Blogspot.com that pertains to my crazy life as a mother to 7 fur babies.


I hope you enjoy reading my blogs!  I would love to connect with you!

Marshall the Miracle Dog

Marshall the Miracle Dog - Cynthia Willenbrock, Lauren Heimbaugh This book tells the uplifting tale of Marshall. Marshall was found in the home of a dog horder with over 60 dogs. He was severly injuried, probably due to fights with the other dogs over food.

After being rescued by the Missouri Humane Society, Marshall was rushed to the vet where he underwent major surgery. While being operated on, Marshall lost his heartbeat twice, but came back fighting each time. Upon completing months of extensive therapy, Marshall was ready to be adopted. But, would Marshall's emotional wounds be healed? Would he ever trust humans again?

I actually had the extreme pleasure of meeting Marshall and his owner, Cynthia Willenbrock. He truly is a miracle dog with a fascinating story. Plus, Lauren Heimbaugh brings the story to life with her gorgeous illustrations. A must read for any dog lover!